His Voice Global - Kenya

His Voice Global - Kenya

The fact that these questions even exist are almost too much for me. They are too much, if I'm being totally honest. On my worst day, my life will never be as hard as theirs. I will not ever have to choose between feeding my babies and keeping my dignity as a woman. Even if my life fell apart I would have access to government programs that would help me get on my feet and would ensure that we had food and shelter. These women have no such luxury, and so they, and often their children, enter the Commercial Sex Trade in an effort to stay alive.

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5 Steps to Healing After Pregnancy Loss

5 Steps to Healing After Pregnancy Loss

Everyone has heartbreak and grief at some point in their lives. I wish there was a magic formula to make our hearts heal more quickly… but there isn’t. There ARE however, some simple things we can do to help ourselves as we walk through a season of loss. These are written about pregnancy loss, but can apply to so many other situations too.

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Pregnancy and Miscarriage - My Story

Pregnancy and Miscarriage - My Story

Mother’s Day 2007 I saw two pink lines on a pregnancy test for the first time. It was a mixture of excitement, shock and fear - our attempts at starting a family had been met with quick results, and I had never quite felt the mixture of trepidation and bliss that flooded over me in waves of excitement and questions of “what did we just do??!!”. I sat in a church pew that day smiling and overcome with gratitude that I had a miraculous secret growing inside of me. When other women stood to be honored for Mother’s Day I wondered what it would be like the next year when I stood there with them. How would I announce it to friends and family? What would our baby look like - would it be a boy or a girl??

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